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Sunday, February 5, 2017

Where do 6 years go?

2017. How did this happen?  I really thought that blogging would be a consistent hobby for me way back when.  It would be a way to communicate with others besides my little people.   I am not sure if it is because of my personality type of getting excited for something and then moving on, or my kid's activities just overtook my life, but I just never continued.  Until two days ago, I completely forgot that I had even started this blog.  Talk about distracted,

So, where did almost 6 years bring me?   Things are still busy.  Life is still hard.  God is still in control, but much of the time I forget to let him lead.

I am not sure what the reason for blogging for such a short time was all of those years ago was.  I know why I am going to attempt to blog again this time.  Reflection.  Sharing of the good and bad.  Journaling and sorting through my thoughts.  Trying to learn who I am and who I want to become.

Where does God want me to spend my time? What talents has He given me that He wants me to use?  How can I be a blessing to others?  How can I feel fulfilled as someone in all of the roles that I have?

I struggle daily with effective use of my time.  I will share more on all of this in the coming days weeks and months.  I have many topics that I want to explore. Today, my purpose was to start.  To start.