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Sunday, April 24, 2011

He is Risen! and Easter Eggs

Today is the most important day in our Christian calendar.  If you don't believe in the resurrection and the significance of this to your eternal life, you are missing the importance of the celebration of Easter.  I love Easter, it signifies our new life in Christ.  It also is a time for looking forward to the flowers blooming and the birds chirping.  We look forward to growing our own food and enjoying the sun that nourishes our garden and our own health.

I have always looked forward to decorating Easter Eggs, but I do not have any artificial food dyes in my home, so it makes decorating easter eggs a challenge.  Last year, I tried using natural food juices to color my eggs.  It did not work.  This year, I thought that I would try the India Tree Food dyes and follow the regular instructions of vinegar, water and dye.  Again, failure.  Just before I was about to give up, I decided to finger paint the food dye onto the egg.  It worked!  My son and I had a ball painting these eggs.  My other two children said, too messy!

Have a blessed Easter!


  1. I just tried to sign up for your email updates and it would not let me submit....:(

  2. Ooops! I see another window opened...duh! I am signed up now...(doing too many things at once;)

  3. wow! very nice post. I'm sure this egg really delicious. one of my nutrition solutions list. thank you for sharing this nice post.
